
Online Submissions

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Author Guidelines

Carefully read the submission guidelines as follows:

A. General Requirements

The minimum standard requirements of JRKPF must be

  1. Written in Indonesian or English.
  2. The author  nameshould be accompanied by complete affiliation address and corresponding email.
  3. The length of submittedpaper is at least 6 pages and no more than 12 pages. Editors will be evaluated if the papers are needing more pages than 12 pages.
  4. Use of a tool such as Zotero, Mendeley, or EndNote for reference management and formatting, and choose IEEE style
  5. Make sure that your paper is prepared using the HERE.

B. Structure of The Manuscript

The manuscript must be prepared and suggested present follow the structure:

  1. Title. Write a title as short as possible, but simply explain the contents of your article as a whole, the title should not be double, write a maximum of three lines
  2. Abstract. Written briefly in English and Indonesian in one paragraph of 150-200 WORDS; No citation; State in the abstract a primary objective, research design, methodology, main outcomes and results, and the conclusions.
  3. Introduction.
  4. Method
  5. Result and Discussion
  6. Conclusion
  7. Acknowledgement
  8. References. Expect a minimum of 15 references with minimum 70% references primarily.

For more detailed information can be read in the template

C. General Guidelines
  1. Use the JRKPF guide (download) as template.
  2. Number all pages consecutively. Manuscripts should also be spellchecked by the facility available in most good word-processing packages, such as Grammarly.
  3. Extensive use of italics and emboldening within the text should be avoided.
  4. Papers should be clear, precise and logical and should not normally exceed 4,000 words.
  5. The Abstract should be informative and completely self-explanatory, provide a clear statement of the problem, the proposed approach or solution, and point out major findings and conclusions. The Abstract should be 100 to 150 words in length. The abstract should be written in the past tense.
  6. The keyword list provides the opportunity to add keywords, used by the indexing and abstracting services, in addition to those already present in the title. Judicious use of keywords may increase the ease with which interested parties can locate our article.
  7. The Introduction should provide a clear background, a clear statement of the problem, the relevant literature on the subject, the proposed approach or solution, and the new value of research which it is innovation. It should be understandable to colleagues from a broad range of scientific disciplines.
  8. Explaining research chronological, including research design and research procedure. The description of the course of research should be supported references, so the explanation can be accepted scientifically.
  9. Tables and Figures are presented center.
  10. In the results and discussion section should be explained the results and at the same time is given the comprehensive discussion.
  11. A good conclusion should provide a statement that what is expected, as stated in the "Introduction" section can ultimately result in "Results and Discussion" section, so there is compatibility. Moreover, it can also be added the prospect of the development of research results and application prospects of further studies into the next (based on the results and discussion).
  12. References should be cited in text. Only references cited in text should be listed at the end of the paper.
Please note that any papers which fail to meet our requirements will be returned to the author for amendment. Only papers which are submitted in the correct style will be considered by the Editors.

For further explication, could be found at "TEMPLATE". The TEMPLATE could be download on theside bar.

The article could be submited online by register as an author.


Submission Preparation Checklist

As part of the submission process, authors are required to check off their submission's compliance with all of the following items, and submissions may be returned to authors that do not adhere to these guidelines.

  1. The submission has not been previously published, nor is it before another journal for consideration (or an explanation has been provided in Comments to the Editor).

  2. The submission file is in OpenOffice, Microsoft Word, or RTF document file format.

  3. Where available, URLs for the references have been provided.

  4. The text adheres to the stylistic and bibliographic requirements outlined in the Author Guidelines.


Copyright Notice


The copyright to this article is transferred to Universitas Ahmad Dahlan (UAD) if and when the article is accepted for publication. The undersigned hereby transfers any and all rights in and to the paper including without limitation all copyrights to UAD. The undersigned hereby represents and warrants that the paper is original and that he/she is the author of the paper, except for material that is clearly identified as to its original source, with permission notices from the copyright owners where required. The undersigned represents that he/she has the power and authority to make and execute this assignment.

We declare that:

  1. This paper has not been published in the same form elsewhere.
  2. It will not be submitted anywhere else for publication prior to acceptance/rejection by this Journal.
  3. A copyright permission is obtained for materials published elsewhere and which require this permission for reproduction.

Furthermore, I/We hereby transfer the unlimited rights of publication of the above mentioned paper in whole to UAD. The copyright transfer covers the exclusive right to reproduce and distribute the article, including reprints, translations, photographic reproductions, micro form, electronic form (offline, online) or any other reproductions of similar nature.

The corresponding author signs for and accepts responsibility for releasing this material on behalf of any and all co-authors. This agreement is to be signed by at least one of the authors who have obtained the assent of the co-author(s) where applicable. After submission of this agreement signed by the corresponding author, changes of authorship or in the order of the authors listed will not be accepted.

Retained Rights/Terms and Conditions

  1. Authors retain all proprietary rights in any process, procedure, or article of manufacture described in the Work.
  2. Authors may reproduce or authorize others to reproduce the Work or derivative works for the authors personal use or for company use, provided that the source and the UAD copyright notice are indicated, the copies are not used in any way that implies UAD endorsement of a product or service of any employer, and the copies themselves are not offered for sale.
  3. Although authors are permitted to re-use all or portions of the Work in other works, this does not include granting third-party requests for reprinting, republishing, or other types of re-use.


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The names and email addresses entered in this journal site will be used exclusively for the stated purposes of this journal and will not be made available for any other purpose or to any other party.