UAD Journal Management System

Universitas Ahmad Dahlan Journal (UAD Journal) is an integrated management system of UAD journals which allows editors to manage and organize their journals that they can work more efficiently and effectively, particularly in a team.
A full list of the indexing and abstracting services for each journal can be found on the journal's website.

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Journal titleBAHASTRA
Frequency2 issues per year (April and October)
DOIprefix 10.26555
ISSNP-ISSN: 0215-4994 | E-ISSN: 2548-4583
Editor-in-chiefYosi Wulandari
PublisherUniversitas Ahmad Dahlan
Citation AnalysisGoogle scholar

Bahastra is a scientific journal which managed by Department of Indonesian Language and Literature Education, Faculty of Teacher Training and Education, Ahmad Dahlan University. This journal focuses on the publication of the results of scientific research related to the field of Indonesian language and literature education. Published article originated from internal and external academicians UAD. This journal is published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with Asosiasi Dosen Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (ADOBSI), Ikatan Program Studi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia (IKAPROBSI), Perkumpulan Pengelola Jurnal Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia serta Pengajarannya (PPJB-SIP).

Bahastra was published twice a year, on April and October. Article which published in Bahastra should meet the requirements set by the Editorial Board of the Bahastra. The Editorial Board has the rights has the right to change the editorial and systematics of writing without changing the substance of the manuscript from the author.

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Berkala Fisika Indonesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika, Pembelajaran dan Aplikasinya

Journal titleBerkala Fisika Indonesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika, Pembelajaran dan Aplikasinya
AbbreviationBerk. Fis. Indones. J. Ilm. Fis. Pembelajaran dan Apl.
Frequency2 issues per year | January and July
DOIPrefix 10.12928
ISSN2550-0465 (online)
Editor-in-chiefDwi Sulisworo
Managing EditorMoh. Toifur
PublisherUniversitas Ahmad Dahlan in collaboration with PPFI
Citation AnalysisGaruda | Google Scholar


Berkala Fisika Indonesia : Jurnal Ilmiah Fisika, Pembelajaran dan Aplikasinya (BFI-JIFPA) with registered number ISSN 2085-0409 (Print)2550-0465 (Online) is a scientific journal which managed by Postgraduate Program of Physics EducationAhmad Dahlan University. This journal focuses on the publication of the results of scientific research related to the field of physics and physics education. Published article originated from internal and external academicians UAD. This journal is published by Universitas Ahmad Dahlan.

BFI-JIFPA focuses on the publication of the results of scientific research related to the field of physics and physics education. The article published on the internal and external academic community of UAD especially in physics and physics education. BFI-JIFPA publishes scholarly articles in physics and physics education scope covering: Physics, Physics Education, Computational Physics, Experimental Physics, Theoretical Physics, Astronomy, Electronics, Instrumentation, Sensor, Instructional Media, Learning Strategies, Learning Evaluation, Learning Model. Published article published is the article the results of research, studies or critical and comprehensive scientific study on important issues and current job descriptions included in the journal.

BFI-JIFPA has published two issues per year, in January and July. The article published in BFI-JIFPA should meet the requirements set by the Editorial Board of the journal. The Editorial Board has the rights has the right to change the editorial and systematics of writing without changing the substance of the manuscript from the author.


Before Submission

The author has to make sure that the manuscript has been prepared using BFI-JIFPA's template following the author guidelines and not a single author. The single author's paper is just for the invited author or the author who has a great reputation for research or publication in physics or physics education. The manuscript should also have been carefully proofread and similarity check (the proofreading certificate and similarity check result must be attached as a supplementary file in the submission process). Any manuscript which does not meet the author guidelines, focus, and scope, written in a different format, or has poor soundness of Bahasa Indonesia or English, will be immediately rejected. The only manuscript which meets the BFI-JIFPA standard will be processed further.

OAI Address
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Registration and login are required to submit items online and to check the status of current submissions.

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