Journal History


  1. [January 3, 2013] Biology Education Department establish the journal, JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA
  2. [Mei 22, 2013] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA propound printed ISSN number to PDII LIPI
  3. [June 2, 2013] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA obtained ISSN number 2338-6630 (print) from PDII LIPI
  4. [June 29, 2013] JOURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA first published (Vol 1 No. 1) in a printed version with a total of eight articles covering biology and biology education
  5. [July 1, 2013] JOURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA publishes online articles in vol 1 no 1 in the web address
  1. [May 9, 2014] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA through Vol 2 No. 1 2014 begins to publish papers with the author from other campus exclude UAD.


  1. [Februari 8, 2016] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA started publishing with OJS (Open Journal System) on the website address, and change the past website of the journal ( as a web office.
  2. [April 9, 2016] The template have been changed for the next volume, vol  4 no 1 2016
  3. [July 10, 2016] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA indexed by Google Scholar
  4. [July 18, 2016] change the focus and scope of JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA, which originally published articles from biology and biology education to be specified in biology education with scope: biology learning (science with biological matter content, learning evaluation, biology learning media, biology study source, biology teaching materials, biology teacher and biology lab management.
  5. [October 14, 2016] Propound ISSN online to PDII LIPI
  6. [November 4, 2016] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA obtained ISSN number 2541-5646 (online) from PDII LIPI which began to be used for the issue of Vol 4 No. 2 2016
  7. [November 7, 2016] indexed by Indonesian Publication Index (IPI), the national index


  1. [January 6, 2017] indexed by Indonesia One Search (IOS), the national indexed
  2. [February 13, 2017] submit to DOAJ, international indexed
  3. [March 17, 2017] indexed by BASE, the international indexed
  4. [July 12, 2017] indexed by Science and Technology Index (SINTA), the national index
  5. [August 11, 2017] indexed by DOAJ, the international indexed
  6. [August 14, 2017] The entire article in JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA had DOI with the prefix number 10.26555 and already had Universitas Ahmad Dahlan as the publisher
  7. [October 13, 2017] indexed by PKP Index
  8. [November 7, 2017] indexed by WorldCat


  1. [February 2, 2018] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA use the new template
  2. [March 16, 2018] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA received  BTBI grant by Ristekdikti
  3. [July 23, 2018] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA has been accredited by Kemenristekdikti in segment SINTA 2


  1. [January 2, 2019] Start from 2019, JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA published Fulltext in English/Indonesian (Author choice)
  2. [January 25, 2019] Start from 2019, this journal charges the following author fees: Article Publication Cost (950.000 IDR)


  1. [February] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA change frequency publish three times a year (February, June, and October)
  2. [March] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA processes the article submitted in the English version, article submits in the Indonesian version automatically rejected.


  1. [January 26] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA was successful maintain status accredited in SINTA 2 according to the letter decision The Ministry research and technology/national research and innovation agency (RISTEKBRIN) No 200/M/KPT/2020 available at
  2. [February 25] JURNAL BIOEDUKATIKA began introducing authors, editors, and reviewers to actively record their activities in the Publons. A researcher can endorse this journal with access to this link.